
Periodontitis, also known as gum disease and pyorrhea, is a set of inflammatory diseases affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. Periodontitis involves progressive loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth, and if left untreated, can lead to the loosening and subsequent loss of teeth.

Clinically, the most usual symptoms are:

• Presence of gingival plaque and tartar
• Inflammatory gums with change in color, shape, consistence and size
• Pus between the tooth and gum
• Hemorrhage
• Increased tooth mobility
• Deep pockets between the teeth and the gums
• Loss of bone
• Bad breath

According to the loss of adhesion between the tooth and gum, it can be divided to beginning, medium adhesion or advanced periodontitis. According to range there is localized and generalized periodontitis.

Periodontitis can be predicted by:
• Unsuccessful plaque removal
• Smoking
• Uncontrolled diabetes
• Heredity
• Stress
• Systemic diseases
• Diseases that affect the immune system
• Hormonal disorders
• Drug abuse


It depends on the progression of the disease

• Conservative therapy
Elimination of tartar through ultrasound or use of special tools. Sometimes combination of both methods. Proper instructions on oral hygiene are provided and three (3) months later the result is evaluated.

• Surgical therapy
If periodontitis is an at advanced level, after conservative therapy, the doctor has to intervene surgically

• Laser therapy
Doesn’t require surgical procedure. Totally painless and safe, and can be done without anesthesia. It is recommended for patients with health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases, allergies to antibiotics, hemophilia, HIV/AIDS
The laser affects the tooth pocket, destroys infected tissue and microbes,  inactivates toxins and biostimulates lower cellular layers for faster recovery.