Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Most dentists perform tooth whitening.

Chemical whitening is a method used in modern dentistry. It's particularly safe, conservative and painless. It does not affect the shape of the teeth.

Whitening using special toothpastes is not chemical, and the change in the color is achieved mainly, through the rubbing of the tooth and much less through the composition of the product. This way it scrapes and damages the protective layer of the tooth, making it more sensitive.

Chemical whitening does not affect the shape, but it changes the quality of the outer layers of the tooth.

Vital whitening is performed on teeth that have live nerves. Non-vital whitening is done on a tooth that has had root-canal treatment and no longer has a live nerve. The procedure must be done in the dentist’s office and from a well-trained clinician.

The techniques used are:
• With gel usage on the teeth, under special light
• With special gel usage, using proper laser devices. This can have a greater effect on the procedure.

The outcome of tooth whitening is not permanent. It varies depending on the dietary habits and oral hygiene of the patient. It usually lasts up to two (2) years.

Whitening is a conservative method, that has been used for many decades, without side-effects, under the condition that it’s been done by the guidance of a well-trained clinician.